Have you noticed a return to stellar customer service lately? Whether I am in a small, locally owned business or a big box store, I am encountering a positive vibration of pure kindness permeating the places I frequent. Business owners are grateful for each and every customer and they are expressing it.
There seems to be a restoration of core values in establishments. As a consumer it is a pleasant byproduct of the times that we are in. Owners who are embracing a refreshing and constructive approach to their clientele are thriving in these challenging days.
Meet da' Boss was created to support locally owned businesses. I am delighted to see so many of them doing well. National brands are following the trends of small business owners by electing to close on upcoming holidays including Thanksgiving. Elimination of the "shopping frenzy" tendency of the past is a welcome shift. As a nation, there is a return to foundational principles that resonate with us as human beings.
Personally, I am searching for quality, whether it is in a product or a service. For example, I was on the coast recently and stopped in a locally owned seafood restaurant for supper. I've had the opportunity to eat in hundreds if not thousands of places over the years. The level of care that this young staff showed me was incredible. I could feel the sincere gratefulness from each and every person working there. Gone are the days when business owners take their consumer base for granted.
I always seek the good in any situation and despite the upheaval of normal existence, I am finding plenty of changes to get excited about. Look for kindness, quality and gratefulness this week. It is out there for you to enjoy.
What's New with Da' Bosses?

Last week I spent some time with Ashley Scarbrough, Independent Director of Mary Kay in Mobile. Anyone who knows her would agree that she exudes happiness!
She is very excited about the new fall line of lip gloss colors, blushes and more incredible products rolling out this month. Ladies, you are going to adore these new colors for fall.
She is doing door delivery or shipping to her customers. If you aren't sure what you need, Ashley has perfected the virtual make over. She can Zoom with you and guide you to colors and application techniques.
Are you ready to find the ideal skin care regime and colors to enhance your look? Check out her story by clicking here.
Find her on Facebook.
Call her at 229-395-8487

Our photo session with Houston Horne, owner of Handy Guys Moving Service, enlightened me on the scope of benefits his company offers to clients. They do both residential and commercial moves.
Whether you are moving across town or across the country Houston has got you covered! I'll be launching his story on the site later this month. Meanwhile visit his company website by clicking here.

I met with Paula Waldo last week and got caught up on what business owners should be doing to prepare for next year's tax season. It seems like we just finished up last year's filing. The main thing she stressed was to keep better records than you ever have. There are so many unanswered questions about how PPP and other loans will affect your liabilities.
Paula is a partner at Lindsey & Waldo CPA firm located on Hillcrest in Mobile, Alabama. Click here to read their story and for contact information. Visit their awesome website by clicking here.

Last Tuesday I had the opportunity to visit with design guru, Diane Cashen at her beautiful home. She shared that she has been quite busy and attributes that to the fact that so many people are working from home.
She specializes in weaving your personality into your room design. Click here to read her story.
Find her on Facebook (she has great videos)
Watch my live video with her by clicking here.
Click here to visit her website.

Recently I spent some time with Kyle Cornelison, owner of The Entrepreneur's Source at his home in Semmes. He shared that this is the ideal time for folks to reach out to him for his services. So what does he do? He specializes in helping people migrate from the corporate rat race to business ownership.
Magical things can happen once you've had your free consultation with him. During the process he'll administer a personality profile and match you with several business opportunities that suite your demeanor. There are hundreds of options available including everything from pets to plants to shipping companies. It costs nothing to meet with him! For more information give him a call at 205-242-8841 or click here to read his story.
So this week I challenge you to be kind, to look for quality and to always show gratitude!
Have a lovely week! ~ Charlsie